Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tron- bitter sweet disapointment.

Visuals 8, plot and story 4 = total 6

Two thumbs up to the animators at Disney, excellent job boy. Stunning visual effects that take your breath away, captivating action sequences and wonderful costumes. The set designers deserve serious recognition for creating clean and visual impacting world. It is nice to see the Kevin Flynn's place of habitation to be a great combination of Victorian and modern.

But i am afraid that is all of the positives i can say about the movie. The movie starts fast and goes into familiar territory of reintroducing characters from the original Tron into the light, but it does not take sufficient enough time to cover the background story as to why, how, and so on. The brief explanations of how the new digital universe come to be are just that brief, they are not visually captivating, they are lucking a certain punch, they do not give me a defined historical time line. It almost feels like that the writes did good job of reintroducing the characters from the original Tron and then gave up.

The first action sequence in the arena is excellent, very visually stunning, the combination of colors and background is outstanding. But it is the only one, there is no more, the boys in the writing department forgot to add at least 2 more. The directors seriously should have broken down this movie into 2 movies and loaded it with 5 to 6 Matrix like action sequences. Dear directors and producers, you should have thought of that

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Shopping for all and all for shopping.

When mall opens at 9 pm on Thursday the day of thanksgiving that is not just early it’s just wrong. The mall will be open for 24 straight hours for all the hungry shoppers starving to fulfill the shopaholic addiction they have. Is it really worth it, is it this holiday about comradery of stranger coming to overcome mutual difficulties. I wonder what Indians and Pilgrims would think of their future of springs if they could have seen this shop holism.

I am aware of the bad economy and that everybody is looking to save, but seriously u needs to be open 24 continuously to make profits. Please. If your product is needed you will find a buyer, if you have good marketing campaign you will find a buyer, if you drop the price to the lowest possible dollar you will find a buyer. If none of the above mach you, so sorry you will not find a buyer.

Note to the shopper – Shopper that spends a night at the store front- What the hell are you thinking? What is the point of you spending the cold, seriously cold night sleeping in front of the store for a deal? What are you planning to buy that you have to suffer for that much? Is that some sort of recreational activity that I am just not getting. I saw lines of people to get a job or a bowl of soup, but a line to get a better deal that is something different all together. Soviet Union had those, the lines that went around the corner and wrap around the store 5 times. The people there stood in line not because they were looking for a better deal; they were there to get any deal they could. So dear shopper go home, be with family, I am sure the kid is going to love the cheap shit you are going to buy him or her, but I think the time you will spend with them will be more productive. GO HOME.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Yet another aliens attack Earth movie

After watching "Skyline" i realized that there is tons of movies were aliens attack we defeat them and the story ends. I have not seen a single movie where the director explored the after mass of the alien attack. Come on Hollywood this is undiscovered territory, go for it. Just think about it, we just defeated aliens and ... that is it. This is the best part, the unification of human kind, who finally realized that they are not along in the universe (i apologize for the cliche). Think of all the possible ideas you can explorer, the mass chaos of the attack the short calm after the victory and even bigger chaos of government and people after the victory and the best part is the realization that there is going to be another attack, soon.

Seriously what kind of military strategies those green bastards, you think they will be content with just attacking us once and give up, or do you think that they attacking force did not communicated with headquarters. The renegade alien general idea could totally be explored as well. The Quazzishurakim (that is the general name) just goes berserk and goes and attacks the first planet he finds, the main alien government is supper apologetic and gives us the hyperdrive technology as a conciliation for the mistakes of the general.

So bottom line is, explorer the story to the end Hollywood. Weirder yet, how about a aliens attack movie from the aliens point of view. I mean they attack us for some reason, lets find out what it is. This idea can be tied to tons of political issues we have on the table right now. There you go Hollywood i just gave you about 10 new movies, no need to thank me, just send me the check.

Yours truly Alien Movie critic.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


SLC is an interesting place for a psychiatric evaluation (I am saying this with a full confidence of somebody who does not posses any physiology degrees of any kind). Let me elaborate on this bold statement. From my experience SLC population is divided into 3 segments.

The first one are the Mormon population of the city, this section of population goes to church and generally follows the teaching of the good book. This large and dominate section of population sets the tone of the rest of the city, since the rest ether try to separate themselves from “M” as much as they can or be one with them.

Second section of population are so called “Jack Mormons”. These rebellious souls are the ones that run away from the bosome of LDS church and are trying to show as much as possible that they are not part of it anymore. You have to give them credit for trying and credit for doing it. Knowing with the certainty of the backlash from the family members that will ensue after their separation.

The third part of the 1,130,293 population of Salt Lake City are the foreigners to the beehive state. These are people from other parts of US as well as from other parts of the world. They represent a small minority and are constantly lost in the intricate of place we call UTAH.